October 08, 2014

midweek links

So toya pes! A long long time ago, I was told (long story short, I was told this by my interpreter - maybe one day I will share this story) that means "Sup dog" in Czech - Well, I just google translated it and apparently "so toya pes" in Czech, means "so toya dog" in Engligh. Somewhere along the way something got mixed up. Anyways, hi.

I have some midweek links for you!

This youtube channel. Seriously can't get enough of these 2CELLOS.

For your coffee loving friends, this is the perfect mug!

I want all the prints from this Etsy shop! Especially this, this one!

This list of untranslatable words is kind of awesome.

How to beat jet lag as you travel this upcoming holiday season.

The (adorable) tragedy of first position.

These new and improved life hacks will have you on a different level than anyone else!

This is basically me anytime I open my mouth.

The difference between men and women.

A little autumn beauty.

Three ways to not hate your husband.


  1. YES! Loving your mid-week links. It makes Wednesdays that much better. :) I love that Office quote (so me!) and that Etsy shop, too. And that cute ballet video? I totally forgot about it and smiled again today. Thanks for the fun links, friend! I hope this becomes a regular thing!

    1. Yay! :) I'm glad you like them!! I have planned to post one each month! :) Haha! I love that quote! I am always catching my self mid sentence thinking... where am I going with this!? That little girl is too cute! I love when she bends down and tries to use her hands to move her feet out! I feel like that would be me in ballet! haha.


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